Scientific Demonstration: A Window to Objective Existence

Scientific demonstration, a key pillar in understanding the universe, verifies objective existence. It involves a complex dance of logic, intuition, and sensory experience - all leading us towards a holistic view of reality.

Scientific Demonstration: A Window to Objective Existence
Photo by Nejc Soklič / Unsplash

Understanding Scientific Demonstration

In the quest for understanding the nature of the universe and its inherent logic, the essence of scientific demonstration stands as a key pillar. Scientific demonstration is a form of logical expression that verifies objective existence. In simpler terms, it is a procedure that confirms whether or not a particular thing or phenomenon exists in our objective reality.

Sometimes, the logical expression precedes the confirmation of existence, as in the case of assumptions. Here, we first propose an existence, leveraging our logic, and subsequently, through a methodical process, we establish its authenticity.

The Role of Human Perception

When we speak of objective existence, it plays a significant part in how humans perceive the world. We discern this existence through our senses, or what is often referred to as "intuition". Scientific experimentation is an extension of this human intuition.

To delve deeper, from a knowledge perspective, observations, including scientific experiments, are merely tools that allow us to unravel the essence of things. A scientific experiment is where we recreate certain phenomena or an objective existence using specific methods. A successful scientific demonstration involves obtaining the same result consistently when following the same procedures.

The goal is to arrive at a logical conclusion. This indicates that there is a crucial stage in every demonstration where all assertions must pass a test - the human test. Meaning, the findings from the scientific experiment must stand up to scrutiny under human logical thinking.

volumetric figure of magnetic balls and sticks
Photo by Roberto Sorin / Unsplash

Oversight of Cognitive Validation

It is easy to overlook this cognitive validation primarily because the outcome of a scientific experiment is often presented in a highly intuitive, unquestionable manner. It leads people to believe that it's only necessary to describe the observed "intuition". However, there's an essential trait inherent to this description: it is executed by humans, processed through our thinking apparatus, i.e., logical thinking.

Human logical thinking serves as the terminal through which we process all natural phenomena. All observations are means that lead us to a logical conclusion — the description. Thus, the role of human cognition in interpreting and demonstrating scientific results cannot be overstated.

Real and Virtual Demonstrations

Scientific demonstration can be bifurcated into two types: real and virtual. A real demonstration involves verifying or discovering objective existence, typically manifested through the process of experimentation. On the other hand, a virtual demonstration is a logical demonstration that takes place through human thinking.

The experimentation falls under the realm of real demonstration, while the logical processing and conclusion drawn from the experimental process and result belong to the category of virtual demonstration. The human perception process through senses is an intuitive process, and when this intuitive process is validated intuitively or directly, it qualifies as real demonstration.

However, when this intuitive or direct validation enters the human mind, it transforms into a non-intuitive process, which will be tested abstractly. This abstract validation aligns with logic and is referred to as a virtual demonstration. What we commonly term as "demonstration" usually refers to this virtual demonstration, a logical description of objective existence.

Things to do
Photo by AbsolutVision / Unsplash

A Concluding Thought

In our collective pursuit to comprehend the universe and its mechanisms, we must appreciate the nuances of scientific demonstration. The two sides of demonstration - real and virtual - encompass both the tangible and intellectual aspects of understanding reality.

By acknowledging and incorporating this complex dance of logic, intuition, and sensory experience, we can derive a holistic view of objective existence. The theories of the Yi-Tao Bagua universe model and the Arrow-One universal law, as explored extensively on the BaguaScience platform, perfectly embody these principles, paving a new path for us to navigate through the cosmic truth.

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In the spirit of scientific demonstration, we encourage you to engage with us. Ask questions, propose theories, challenge assumptions, and share your observations. Remember, your logical thinking is a critical part of this process.

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